maths question

2010-06-26 12:38 am
In the figure, ABC is an equilateral triangle and BCDE is a square of side 1 cm. It is given that BF=1 cm and BD is √2 cm and angle DBF =y degree.

This is the maths question that i don't know how to do......
Pls help. Thx..


1. Prove that AB is perpendicular to Bf. 2. hence, find the value of y.. Thx..

回答 (2)

2010-06-26 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
As follows:



2010-06-25 17:28:22 補充:

2010-06-26 00:02:56 補充:
Then can I use sine law?

2010-06-26 14:20:55 補充:
um..........Let me think...

2010-06-27 15:46:40 補充:
I think this kind of question requires the use of sine/cosine law....
or is it Mathematical Olympiad question??

2010-06-27 17:35:36 補充:
I think using sine/cosine law is the easiest way to solve the Q...also, I think sine/cosine law will be taught in Form 4...
2010-06-26 6:59 am
PLS do not use cosine law..

2010-06-26 11:47:13 補充:
As i can't using cosine/sine/tangent law to do this question, can u using other simpier and quicker method to do.? THX for your work hard and pls teach me other method...

2010-06-27 17:19:19 補充:
this is only a F.4 maths question.. can u think of simpier method to teach me.. thx.

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