Do guys have a dream girl?

2010-06-25 1:12 am
Everyone knows that every girl has her dream guy. Do guys have a "dream girl". They just don't seem as romantic as girls to me, and I'm really curious...

回答 (7)

2010-06-25 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
What do you mean by dream girl? By dream girl, do you mean:
a) The perfect girl that the guy would prefer (looks, smarts, etc)?
b) Specific girl that actually exists (ex. Kate... etc.)

I wonder why you think guys aren't as romantic as girls. I guess it all depends on the area you live in and the kind of people in that area. I have a dream girl. I used to have both a) and b) but now I've only got a).

I mean, my dream girl is a girl who I love which loves me back just as equally (If they love me more than I love her, it will cause problems. I love her more than she loves me, it'll also cause problems).

That being said, I doubt I'd love a girl that looks like pork chop (no offence to anyone, but just saying). I know my friends all have dream girls, be it specific or just a generalized type of girl.

Guys can be romantic too!
2010-06-25 1:15 am
sort of. We have an idea of what we like to look for, but as in having like a visual image of the perfect girl, we dont have one. sort of a "Know her when you see her" thing.
2016-12-17 9:34 pm
i admire adult men with flaws and a character, i do no longer innovations his visual charm yet being warm is an advantage ;). So right here he's. -He would look as though Andy Biersack -He would be athletic and muscular -performs guitar -shy except your on the part of him (then he'd be outgoing -trys to maintain to himself many of the time -clever -unswerving -somewhat on the loopy humorous area -friendly yet gets jealous and overprotective -performs videogames -a guy i ought to be maximum suitable friends with for something of my existence and in no way become bored of walking as much as.
2010-06-25 1:19 am
i think everybody has an idea of who and what they really want, thing is that there probably arent that many people that fit that description, besides the ideal person has to appeal to every sense that you have positively, and you have to be compatible with them, there has to be attraction, they have to respect everything that they are, and i don't believe that most peole actually find someone who is there ideal partner, but you find the best fit, i guess, but yeah being a guy i do have an ideal image of a girl that i'd want
2010-06-25 1:17 am
yes i do and the great thing is my dream is the lady i love
2010-06-25 1:14 am
Yes, guys have dream girls :) My boyfriend said to me once i look just like his, it was adorablee
2010-06-25 1:13 am
My boyfriend says that he did, and it was me :)
I believe they do.

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