Rosslyn area in DC?????

2010-06-24 11:58 pm
Hi, is the Rosslyn area safe in DC? What kind of people live there? whites, blacks, hispanics, asians? Is the area ghetto? I'm moving to DC next month, and I'm thinking about renting a place there. Thanks

Thanks all.

回答 (4)

2010-06-25 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Rosslyn is a high-rise area, partially office building, partly hotels, and partly apartments. It is a safe area with the normal mix of residents. The only major downside is that it gets very quiet in the evenings, when the office residents go home.
2010-06-25 11:25 am
First, Rosslyn isn't in DC. It's in Virginia.

And it's primarily an office community that gets pretty quiet after 6pm and on weekends.
2010-06-25 10:48 am
Rosslyn is in Arlington, VA. It's not ghetto. It is pretty much high-rise office buildings and condo/apartments. Rent is pretty steep but you got to expect that with its proximity to mass transit and the city. As Don W said, it does get quiet in the evenings, but Clarendon is one metro stop to the west and Georgetown is right across the Potomac River.
參考: my melon
2010-06-25 10:58 pm
Its in Arlington and its mostly offices. I've been there on the weekends and its pretty much a ghost town. There is a metro stop there, however, so it would be convenient.

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