
2010-06-25 4:43 am



回答 (2)

2010-06-25 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

我自己一直都係Canon Friends, 所以我一直都係Canon 機
幾個朋友都係nikkon friends, 所以對nikkon 有少少認識
Canon 夠user friendly, 表現平均
Nikkon 機既色靚, 不過要注意, 佢既鏡頭比起其他牌子同config 係貴5-10%
Pentax 無咩用過, 不過聽人講佢既強項在於鏡頭

哩期既推介都係Canon 550D , 入門機既價錢, 近半專業機既config....一句超班
平d 既可以試Nikkon D5000, 三叉幾野

o係你決定玩影相之前, 你要清楚一件事, 係對你既忠告:
買左部主機, 就係你破產既開始, 因為貴既永遠係鏡頭同配件, 唔係部機

入門書, 你要自己睇啦。因為有d 書好似好有料, 用名詞用到以前菲林機果個年代人先明既野。唔會好多人睇得明, 但你了解左, 對你掌握光圈快門會好好多.

攝影技術, 我個人覺得分為四part, 會有4類唔同書:
1. 構圖 , 哩個係機本, 你有無DC可以睇, 可以學
2. 基本操作技巧: 簡單一句, 光圈/快門/色彩平衡 所變出黎既魔術
3. 進階配件書: 個人認為同死亡筆記咁上下, 就係係咁話比你知d 新配件 有乜乜乜好. USM , Marco, 快閃, Lens, CPL.......等等等等, 你每睇一樣, 就心痕一次既東東
4. 執相書籍: PS裝甲之類. 唔好話, 當我知道, 好多攝影比賽既作品都執過....我就已經當左係攝影技術之一啦.....你影倒咁靚, 你都可以執~

初初學影相, 我覺得要先培養對角度既觸覺. 一樣物品, 唔同角度, 個世界就唔同晒. 你平日睇既世界, 同人地影出黎既世界點解唔同? 角度也!!!

我自己既堅持就係, 當我發現部機開始阻礙我技術發揮, 我先會換鏡頭 / 換機. 最好最好, 就係識埋一班用同一個brand 機既人, 互相換下鏡黎玩, 熟習多d 鏡頭既特性.
廣角要點影? Marco鏡有咩限制? 大光圈鏡既最好光圈係幾多度? 等等~

最後一句: 聲色犬馬.......男人既死因.......

2010-06-25 00:14:39 補充:
單反追求既係質數, 好多野係幾好既全自動機比唔倒你的。

因為個世界比你o係眼中睇倒既~ 係完全唔同既~
細d 唔在講, 出黎既感覺, 因為細, 所以反宜好唔同, 同埋多左好多野玩~~

都係果句~ 買單反~~要忍受買鏡既衝動~~

去睇下D5000, 機仔細細, 唔算貴~ 但d 色真係幾靚

2010-06-25 00:25:43 補充:
agree with you Louis~
2010-06-25 6:01 am
Actually, I think a low-end DSLR is the most suitable one. Why they are more suitable is because you can try PASM and change lens in the same time. Someone may ask"Why I don't just buy a Mirrorless camera(such as:Olympus PEN)?" But I think that if you bought a camera which you can take everywhere, you're going to take many rubbish photo because you can take it out anytime you want! I think you should really study the camera, but not play with the camera. You should think about how to take great pictures but not share it with your friends. You also should go to some website to learn more about how to take good pictures.
Listen:DSLR is not a must. you can choose other camera but I think a DSLR is better. Many prople buy many stuff and though that that can help you to take more great picture, but the truth is:what camera is not important.You have to fell and taste what kind of pictures you want to get and think about what people like if you really want to be a pro photographer. If you are really good at taking pictures, a compact camera is not a problem. If you really want to take good pictures, please listen to other prople on the internet but not your family or your friends. Some of them just punish you and some of them just say that your pictures are great and awsome. They can not help you a lot. You should upload some of your pictures onto the internet(such as flicke/dchome.net/dcfever) and let other camera fever guy to give you some commends. But please don't put all of your photo onto the Internet. Only put photos you like most or photos you think is quite beautiful. If other people think that the beautiest photos are rubbish, you should really think about how to improve yourself.

2010-06-24 22:02:26 補充:
If you choose a DSLR, I don't think Liveview is useful because it just like using a DC. I think using the viewfinder is even more useful for you to learn.
參考: Myself

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