
2010-06-24 7:10 pm
我有BNO passport,葡籍...聽說如果讀公立中學的話,能免費的...
但我想問生活費要幾多??四萬一年夠唔夠??我本身都屬於節儉的人,唔會亂花錢...其實果邊有冇financial aid攞??
同埋我想問如果我真係去既話,我而加應該點做??考ILETS, Toefl??
小妹感激不盡,在此先謝!!!! =)

回答 (3)

2010-06-24 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) If you have HK$40000 per year, living in United Kingdom is not enough as the livingis quite expensive. If you budget for living expense per year is HK$40000, i would suggest you studying in United States, Canada, they also have lots of good universities over there but relatively lower living expenses

2) since you are international students, you have no opportunities for applying financial aid, they only offer financial aid for domestic students only. But you can try applying scholarship. I think they have some scholarship programs which are especially for international students only, so the competitiveness would be relatively lower

3) if you want to study in UK, IELTS is required, if studying canada, USA, TOEFL is required

4) HKALE is way difficult than GCE. If you get an A grade in GCE, which is equivalent to C grade in HKALE. it is hard to say that whether you can handle it or not because HKCEE and GCE are two different things. One thing you should be worried is that whether you can adapt to UK education system or not

if you have any problem, email me: [email protected]

hope these information can guide you to a successful path
參考: myself
2010-12-24 7:36 am


; || ; 揀學校>>戀咁嚟 <<

英國城市大學---得個城市名 ; 設備陳舊
>> click >> http://tiny.cc/rfrlu


; || ; yuen cheuk pun eddie - cheuk wai

2010-06-24 9:45 pm

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