新去canada, 唔該help help...
1) 人地同你講wt's up, 係咪真係要答nth much? 好似怪怪地咁既..?
2) 我想要xx soup, 可唔可以走蛋? 點講?
3) 見到人除左同人講hey, how are u? 之外仲可以講咩?
4) past tense 同past perfect 應該幾時用邊個?
5) With respect to theories of crime..."with respect to" means?
6) On behalf of... means? 口語講會唔會正經左少少?
7) daily basis...點解? 可否俾個example?
8) 問waitress: 添飲使唔使錢ga? 點講?
9) 我聽人講: Ya, I like coke too. It is sweet though. 個though字點解? 我聽到多句句子都可以加個though字...
10) Neither...nor and either...or 點用? 口語係咪好少用?