
2010-06-24 5:59 pm
新去canada, 唔該help help...

1) 人地同你講wt's up, 係咪真係要答nth much? 好似怪怪地咁既..?
2) 我想要xx soup, 可唔可以走蛋? 點講?
3) 見到人除左同人講hey, how are u? 之外仲可以講咩?
4) past tense 同past perfect 應該幾時用邊個?
5) With respect to theories of crime..."with respect to" means?
6) On behalf of... means? 口語講會唔會正經左少少?
7) daily basis...點解? 可否俾個example?
8) 問waitress: 添飲使唔使錢ga? 點講?
9) 我聽人講: Ya, I like coke too. It is sweet though. 個though字點解? 我聽到多句句子都可以加個though字...
10) Neither...nor and either...or 點用? 口語係咪好少用?

回答 (3)

2010-06-24 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1)其實唔係要答not much。Wt's Up即係打個招呼,問你點呀?你「好」咪good/fine/excellent/fantastic囉,「唔好」才說not much/so so/depressing/terrible

3) How dee? How's it going? What is shaking?...留心聽不同人的對話或看多些電視劇都會學到多些。

4) past tense是表述一件過去了的事(在某一時空點),past perfect是表述一件在過去的一段時間有始有終發生的事。
I studied in Canada for 4 years.
I had studied in Canada from 2010 to 2014.

6) On behalf of係可以口語講的,意思是「受權」或「受委託」。
I do/visit/speak this on behalf of the Chancellor. 通常代理一個比你自己高級的人才用這個on behalf.

8) Is refill free of charge? Are the drinks come with free refill?

9) Though是助語詞,在句尾加上表達「縱使」如此,前所講的仍是我的意見。

10) neither...nor會少啲用,單一的neither會多一點。例如朋友說他不喜歡某人某電影,你也不喜觀便可以簡單答一句,me neither。正面的如朋友說他想去某地方,你也想去會講,me too。而不會用me either。當然多樣東西的比較用either...or 和 neither...nor是沒有問題。
We should either choose A or B but I would neither choose C nor D in making a sensible decision.
2010-06-25 4:11 pm
1. pretty good or great! hang in there.
2. May I have XX soup w/o the eggs
3. what's up? how's it going?
4. past tense = 做一個動作,已經做完. ie. i had dinner. 我食完晚飯
pp = 以前做過一段時間, 但依家冇再做. i.e., i'd been a salesperson. 我以前做過 sales.
present perfect = i've been a salesperson. 我以前到依家都一直係做 sales.
5. 根據
6. 通常d 人都會o甘講.
7. 每日都會做. i eat meals on a daily basis.
8. Is refill free?
9. 但係
10. neither .. nor.. 兩樣都唔係。 either... or 其中一樣係. 口語經常用.
2010-06-24 7:39 pm
1) 可以答Not much, 或 okay, 而後反問how about you?
2) skip the egg, please
3)) Canadians 最鍾意講天氣, it's such a nice day, isn't it? 或it's freezing outside, 或it's so hot and muggy outside! 等
4) past tense 是過去或以前, past perfect 是過去而且做咗嘅事
5) With respect to 是 "有關這方面"
6) 可以講for the sake of 或for (whoever's) sake
7) 平均每日都做的事, On a daily basis, I have to spend about $10 on food
8) Is the drink bottomless? 即"是不是任添"
9) Though 是 "不過", 全句解"我都喜歡可樂, 不過甜得啲", 主要是我都知佢甜, 但我唔介意
10) Neither/nor 是兩樣都不想或不要, either/or 是這樣或那樣, 口語都有用
參考: 40 years of Canadian experience

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