問英文(請英文人作答, 謝謝)

2010-06-24 4:54 pm
我新去加拿大ga, 想問下一d英文點講...

1) 入到shop, 問 "呢到有冇(e.g 蘋果)賣ga?"
2) 我上堂成日聽到阿sir講一個字..(讀音類似 kay ox)...到底係咩字??
3) Is there ... 同 Are there... 有咩分別?
4) coffee少奶少甜 (講緊凍飲...因為係糖漿)
5) can u pls同 could u pls?
6) will u 同 would u?
7) 齋啡英文?
8) canada冇milk tea呢樣野, 但係可以叫tea with milk, 係咪?
9) hang out 同唔同拍拖?
10) "你有冇睇過呢到戲呀?" 點解好似有時用have u 問有時用did u 問既?

回答 (5)

2010-06-24 5:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) You can simply say: "Do you have apples?" or "Do you sell apples?"
2) I assume he says "kiosk". Meaning: a small open-fronted hut or cubicle from which newspapers, refreshments, tickets, etc., are sold.
3) "Is there" followed by a "singular noun", whereas "are there" is followed by plural noun.
4) You can simply say: " (I want) less cream, less sugar" ("cream" is more commonly used for coffee in Canada)
5) "Could you" is a more politely way of asking than "Can you".
6) Same thing as above. "Would you" is a more politely way of asking than "Will you".
7) "Black coffee".
8) Usually we named it as "Milky tea" in Canada.
9) No, "hang out" means to spend time in a certain location or with certain people", whereas "拍拖“ means to date with someone.
10) When you want to ask people if he has seen a movie lately OR you want to know if he has ever seen it, you use "Have you seen", whereas "Did you see" can be used for asking people if he has seen a movie a while ago in the past.

Hope it helps ^_^

2010-06-24 09:43:11 補充:
I graduated in Canada.

2010-06-24 19:58:12 補充:
Not a problem, Ka Yan ^^
1)Actually, people don't really care about the grammar in here, so don't worry. The more simple English you speak, the better.
2)Sorry about that, I guess it could be "chaos", the other people here are right.
3)Should be fine, I've heard lots of people saying in this way.

2010-06-24 20:02:57 補充:
I assume you're asking about "Hong Stye Milk Tea" or "Taiwanese Milk Tea", right?
In Canada, we usually say "Milky tea", instead of "Tea with milk", unless you go to the western restaurant.
Hope it helps~

2010-06-24 20:40:41 補充:
Sorry about my poor answers.... because initially, I saw no one answer your questions, so I boldly answered them and thought I can offer some help:)
參考: I've been in Canada since 15
2010-06-24 9:38 pm
1) Do you have (sell) apples?

2) Chaos! 混亂

3) 要看你問的是單數東西還是眾數東西便可以決定。

4) less cream, less/low sweet. 這說法可能會是現代少少。跟那種糖sugar還是syrup都無關係。

5)6) could/would是禮貌語法。can/will是含有命令的請求。

7) black coffee

8) milk tea在溫哥華等華人多的地方都ok啦。tea with milk會是英式的奶茶囉。

9) HANG OUT係閒坐閒談(香港俗稱的hey!)

10) Have you...seen this movie?是問「看了沒有」yet或「有否看過」before這影片。Did you...see this moive?是問你之前是否看了這影片,帶有懷疑地才會這樣問的。一般情況問人看了某影片或電視劇只會用have you...?

2010-06-24 14:57:31 補充:
9) (hey更正係hea。)
2010-06-24 7:56 pm
補充Kaying 的答案:
1) 我通常用"Do you carry" (e.g. Apples/ Roots)?
2) 我想應該喺 Chaos (混亂, 七國咁亂)
4) 通常講less sugar 已足夠, 不用講syrup
參考: 40 years of Canadian experience
2010-06-24 7:17 pm

1) 入到shop, 問 "呢到有冇(e.g 蘋果)賣ga?"
Do you have any apples?

2) 我上堂成日聽到阿sir講一個字..(讀音類似 kay ox)...到底係咩字??
chaos =

3) Is there ... 同 Are there... 有咩分別?
Is there anything I can do for you ? Is there = singular and normally used in this case.

Are there = plural and seldom used.

4) coffee少奶少甜 (講緊凍飲...因為係糖漿)
Coffee with little sugar.

5) can u pls同 could u pls?

Can u and could u please = means the same but could you is more polite form.
6) will u 同 would u?

same as above. Would you is more polite form.

7) 齋啡英文?
Black coffee

8) canada冇milk tea呢樣野, 但係可以叫tea with milk, 係咪?
You will ask English Tea = milk with sugar or tea. and sugar and milk will be added into the cup by yourself.

9) hang out 同唔同拍拖?
hang out = simply go out and has no specific aim
date = to date a girl or a boy. or have a date 拍拖

10) "你有冇睇過呢到戲呀?" 點解好似有時用have u 問有時用did u 問既?
Have you done that? it means action has been done but no specific time
Did you do that last night/ yesterday/ last week? It means action happened in the past.
2010-06-24 5:58 pm

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