Index of refraction

2010-06-23 6:40 am
Some modern optical devices are made with glass whose index of refraction changes with distance from the font surface. Figure shows the index of refraction as a function of the distance into a slab of glass of thickness L. The index of refraction increases linearly from n1 at the front surface to n2 at the rear surface.


Find an expression for the time light takes to travel through this piece of glass for normal incidence.

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2010-06-23 10:02 pm
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Let the refractive index n be in the form:
n = a + b.x, where a and b are constants.
Since n = n1 when x = 0, hence, a = n1
and n = n2 when x = L, hence b = (n2-n1)/L

But n = c/v, where c is the speed of light in vacuum, and v is the velocity in glass. Thus v = c/n = c/(a+bx)

From definition of velocity, v = dx/dt, i.e. dx = v.dt
dx = [c/(a+bx)].dt
i.e. (a+bx).dx = c.dt
Now, integrate both sides, with limits of x from 0 to L, and limits of t from 0 to T, say

After integration, substitute the values of a and b into the equation and solve for T.

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