carpe diem ..... 係咩文 同埋點解?(有全句

2010-06-22 8:15 pm
全句: carpe diem quam minimum credula postero

係咩文 ?? 點解??

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2010-06-22 10:16 pm
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全句: carpe diem quam minimum credula postero
係咩文 ?? 點解??

Carpe diem quam minime credula postero
意思 : Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future

Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace. It is popularly translated as "seize the day". Carpe means "pick, pluck, pluck off, gather", but Horace uses the word to mean "enjoy, make use of."
Carpe diem 系拉丁文,系來自拉丁詩人Horace作既頌詞:a line in an ode。呢首頌詞主要講有關“時間”. Carpe diem, 英文譯作”seize the day”, 是中文的“得快樂時且快樂,今朝有酒今朝醉”。
In Horace, the phrase is part of the longer Carpe diem quam minime credula postero – "Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future", and the ode says that the future is unknowable, and that instead one should scale back one's hopes to a brief future, and drink one's wine. This phrase is usually understood against Horace's Epicurean background..


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