About the article "the"

2010-06-22 9:27 am
Is it necessary to add 'the' before 'Ocean Park'?

Besides, is it necessary to add 'the' before the name of a planet such as 'Mars', 'Earth', 'Venus'... ?

No need for grammar rules. As I've seen some writings with 'the' before "Ocean Park', 'Earth'... while some without. This is confusing. Can anyone provide the exact answer of this?

回答 (4)

2010-06-22 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is not necessary to add "the" before "Ocean Park" but you need to add "the" before all planets such as the Mars, the Earth, and the Venus.
We also need to add "the" before mountain ranges, seas, rivers and deserts such as the Himalayas, the Pacific Ocean, the Yellow River, the Sahara Desert.
With most names of people and places, we do not use "the". However, with some names of places, we need to add the definite article "the". These include: the United States, the United Kingdom, the People's Republic of China, the Philippines, the Netherlands.
Most names of countries do not use "the" such as Japan, France, Germany, Spain, India, Norway.
Frankly speaking, it is necessary for you to read more in order to remember the use of articlels and improve your English. There is no short cut.
2010-06-22 10:18 pm
The Ocean Park, The Earth , The Moon , The Venus = the only one so we need to add THE in front of it.

My brother wants to buy a car. This is THE car, which my brother wants to buy.

The car = the specific one.

a car = a normal car with four wheels.

Hope the above examples help you understand why we need to add THE in front of a noun or a specific item
2010-06-22 7:52 pm
所有以名作地方前不加 THE

參考: 我係英文老師
2010-06-22 7:35 pm



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