中譯英 急!!!!! 有20點

2010-06-21 9:55 pm
根據統計處2006年報告數字 在過去十年間 家庭結構和成員關係產生不少變化 離婚或分居人口由9.7萬大幅升至22.4萬 獨身和獨居人口亦相繼上升 令社會湧現單親家庭 經濟 家庭照顧和情緒支援的問題

此外 中港婚姻及家庭生活的社會文化差異 老夫少妻的婚姻調適和家庭成員兩地分隔 亦大大影響家庭的和諧與凝聚力 而近年家庭暴力個案亦持續增加 虐偶個案數字於2008年的6,843宗為1998年1,009宗的6.8倍 而虐兒和虐老個案亦持續增加 正顯示家庭育兒養老和保護個人的功能漸見薄弱 而經濟模式的轉型所引起的工作及生活壓力 性別角色的轉變對傳統觀念的沖擊 亦嚴重影響家庭中角色定位和處理家庭衝突 危機的能耐

(請唔好去d翻譯網翻譯 唔該晒)

回答 (4)

2010-06-23 12:53 am
根據統計處2006年報告數字 在過去十年間 家庭結構和成員關係產生不少變化 According to the Report 2006 of Census and Syatistics Department, there are many changes in family structure and relationship among family members in the past decade.

離婚或分居人口由9.7萬大幅升至22.4萬 Divorced and separated population has largely increased from 97 to 224 thousonds.

獨身和獨居人口亦相繼上升 令社會湧現單親家庭 經濟 家庭照顧和情緒支援的問題 Single and living-alone population also increases continuously, which brings along problems of finance, single- parent families, domestic care and emotional support.

此外 中港婚姻及家庭生活的社會文化差異 老夫少妻的婚姻調適和家庭成員兩地分隔 亦大大影響家庭的和諧與凝聚力 Furthermore, family unity and hormany is greatly influenced by marriage between Hong Kong and mainland China, family lives affected by different social culture, adaptation in marriage among elderly husbands and young wives, and living apart from family members.

而近年家庭暴力個案亦持續增加 虐偶個案數字於2008年的6,843宗為1998年1,009宗的6.8倍 However, cases of domestic violence has been continuously incresing in recent years. There are 6843 cases of spouse abuse in 2008, which is 6.8 times to 1009 cases in 1998.

而虐兒和虐老個案亦持續增加 正顯示家庭育兒養老和保護個人的功能漸見薄弱 And, cases of child abuse and elderly abuse are also surging, which indicates the idea of self-protection and living supported by nuturing the next generation is gradually weakened.

而經濟模式的轉型所引起的工作及生活壓力 性別角色的轉變對傳統觀念的沖擊 亦嚴重影響家庭中角色定位和處理家庭衝突危機的能耐Working and living pressure is brought by changes in economical pattern and there is contradition to traditional concept from changing sex roles. All these seriously affect the confirmation of sex roles in family lives and the ability to cope with family cricis and conflicts.
2010-06-22 8:10 pm


2010-06-22 4:48 am
根據統計處2006年報告數字 在過去十年間 家庭結構和成員關係產生不少變化 離婚或分居人口由9.7萬大幅升至22.4萬 獨身和獨居人口亦相繼上升 令社會湧現單親家庭 經濟 家庭照顧和情緒支援的問題

According to the Census Department annual report in 2006, the structure of family and relation of the family members have been changed drastically in the last ten years. Cases of divorce and separated populaton has been risen from 97,000 to 22,4000 cases; single and single population has also been increased. Problem of single-parent family's economy, family care and emotional support crop up due to the said reason.

此外 中港婚姻及家庭生活的社會文化差異 老夫少妻的婚姻調適和家庭成員兩地分隔 亦大大影響家庭的和諧與凝聚力 而近年家庭暴力個案亦持續增加 虐偶個案數字於2008年的6,843宗為1998年1,009宗的6.8倍
In addition, marriage between Hong Kong and mainland has also been affected by the difference of family life pattern, social culture. Eldery husbands with young wives and separated in China and Hong kong, has also reduced the family harmony, thus, family voilence has also been surged continuously.

Violence to the marriage has been increased from 1009 cases in 1998 to 6843 cases in 2008. The percentage of increase is 6.8 times.

而虐兒和虐老個案亦持續增加 正顯示家庭育兒養老和保護個人的功能漸見薄弱 而經濟模式的轉型所引起的工作及生活壓力 性別角色的轉變對傳統觀念的沖擊 亦嚴重影響家庭中角色定位和處理家庭衝突 危機的能耐

Violence towards children and the elderies has also been increased. This indicates the theory of having children for old ages and protection is diminishing gradually. The change of economy formation triggers the working and living pressure plus the change of traditional gender in families. The said change has also affected the role & patience in tackling family problem or conflict.

(請唔好去d翻譯網翻譯 唔該晒)
2010-06-21 10:20 pm
According to 2006 Census and Statistics Department reported during the last decade, members of the family structure and relations of divorce or separation many changes in the population rose sharply from the 97 000 224 000 single and living alone increased the population also have the emergence of single-parent families in society family care and emotional support issues

In addition, Hong Kong and marriage and family life, social and cultural differences Laofushaoqi of marital adjustment and family members of two separate and greatly affect the family harmony and cohesion in recent years has continued to increase in domestic violence cases battered spouse cases in 2008 to 6,843 cases for 1998 6.8 times in 1,009 cases of child abuse and elder abuse case also shows the family child care continued to increase pension and protection of the individual functions are weak and the economic model, see the transition caused by pressure of work and life changing gender roles, the impact on the traditional concept also seriously affect the family roles and the capability to deal with domestic conflict, crisis

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