My boyfriend admitted that a girl kissed him last night?

2010-06-20 4:01 pm
He said that she came on to him. I respect him for telling me the day it happened but at the same time. Should I trust him?

And how do I go about handling this situation?

回答 (7)

2010-06-20 4:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That's something you two need to discuss...has it happened before??? What does he feel are the chances it will happen again with someone (or something other than kissing, but still inappropriate)??? Is he sorry he did it, or just matter-of-fact in telling you???

What's the status of your relationship??? There's lots to consider...people are human and fallible and sometimes make bad judgement calls...we can't tell you the likelihood that he can or cannot be trusted after know him, and need to speak with him more on this (and why it happened) and then go with your gut as far as trust...
2010-06-20 11:03 pm
yes, i would trust him. he obviously knew it was wrong and told you right away so i doubt he would have it happen again
2010-06-20 11:12 pm
i can not actually advise you with out more details (i can but it would be unfair to you, your boyfriend and your relationship)

you may or may not have the details. if you don't i suggest you get them. sit him down and say you respect him for telling you but you have a few questions and you want a lot of detail otherwise your brain will use its imagination and it will probably twice as bad as it really was.

who is she to him?
have they ever kissed before?
why did she kiss him?
where was he?
what kind of kiss?
how long did the kiss last?

i think until you have all the answers you won't know how you truly feel about the situation and therefore can't make a decision.
2010-06-20 11:06 pm
That depends on how much you trusted him before. It is pretty unfortunate when something like that happens, but it may have been an honest mistake on his part. If you don't know weather or not to trust him, find the girl he kissed and get her side of the story.

Don't be with someone if you can't trust them.

Good luck!
2010-06-20 11:05 pm
Has he ever broken any promises to you before? Has anything similar to this occurrence happen before? How does he treat you when he's with you, when he's with your friends? Has he ever lied to anyone or you?

It all comes down to do YOU trust him or not. If he treats you extremely nicely and gentlemanly and caring all the time, treats his friends nice, and is an overall good nice guy, he's probably not lying. What girl wouldn't want to kiss someone that perfect? But if he's not a good nice guy, and has a history of lies and deception, it's better to believe that he probably kissed the girl and that the girl didn't force herself onto him. He willingly allowed her on.

So do you like him? Love him perhaps? If you love him a lot and want a good relationship, it'll need a lot of trust. So trust him if you love him a lot or like him a lot and want a good relationship. Without trust, there can be no relationship.
2010-06-20 11:04 pm
what a Ahole. sorry if he loved you that wouldnt have happened
2010-06-20 11:02 pm

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