
2010-06-21 4:25 am
上網睇係瑞士讀書認受性好似好低....番香港有冇人請嫁?我指吾係瑞士d top學校.指一般價錢個d......

回答 (3)

2010-06-23 10:44 pm
我家姐係瑞士HIM畢業,學校辦雙學位,即除左瑞士Degree仲會頒美國Degree。佢而家係four season到返工。所以我唔覺得瑞士讀書認受性好低。我會9月過去,都係讀佢個間大學。
參考: 瑞士,酒店管理,HIM
2010-06-22 12:46 am
瑞士讀書認受性在於酒店同餐飲, 好多酒店同餐廳會請瑞士留學O既學生返O黎工作!
2010-06-21 10:28 am
it depends. ppl always have a wrong concept that all schools in switzerland offer best facilities and faculties, but the fact is only a few schools are the top schools in the world.

here are the suggestions of top universities in switzerland [world rankings]:

- ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) [20]

- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de LAUSANNE [42]

- University of GENEVA [72]

- University of Zurich [92]

- University of BASEL [108]

- University of LAUSANNE [168]

- University of BERN [193]
參考: myself

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