
2010-06-20 1:26 am

回答 (9)

2010-06-20 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案

美國人會這樣問: "When is your due date?" 意思就是你的預產期是什麼時候.

"Has your baby boy/girl arrived yet?" 也可以﹐意思是你 BB 的出世了嗎﹖

2010-06-20 00:26:48 補充:

"When is your baby due?"
"When are you due?"

2010-06-20 08:22:54 補充:

When are you planning to have a child? 係你計劃何時生小孩, 唔係問 BB 幾時出世

2010-06-20 08:26:36 補充:
Have you had a child yet?" 你有小孩嗎?

2010-06-22 22:35:41 補充:
Could you had a easy delivery? --> Did you have an easy delivery? - 意思是你的生產過程容易嗎﹖(暗示BB已經出世)
參考: I live in the US
2010-06-21 5:03 am
Could you had a easy delivery? 順利生產未?
參考: 看西片得知
2010-06-21 2:01 am
clp8888比較正確,他用的是indirect question,比較禮貌。
I was wondering if you have given birth.
相似的字眼有Can I ask, Can you tell me等等。
2010-06-20 8:38 pm
If we have no idea of her expectancy or has she given birth, we usually say something to cover up our ignorance and indirectly ask if she has plans for a celebration or a photo of the new born to be email.

Suggestion : Greeting Card

Happy Birth-day Miss!

Greetings from students of class A.

We can't wait to celebrate this joyous occasion with you and your new born, if it's not too much trouble, students here are all excited to see a photo of your cute little baby. Are we expecting Brightly colored ReD eggs any time sooner?
Email : [email protected]
Congratulation Miss!

Best wishes
2010-06-20 1:03 pm
可以婉轉少少問, "When are you planning to have a child?" or " Have you had a child yet?"
2010-06-20 3:40 am
I was wondering if you have given birth.
2010-06-20 3:30 am
I think technicality is not that important in this situation. A simple question such as "have your baby arrived yet?" would be polite and warm.

2010-06-19 19:33:39 補充:
Should have been: "has your baby arrived yet?"
參考: myself
2010-06-20 3:02 am
Do you have your new baby borned ?

2010-06-19 19:07:41 補充:
Do you have your new baby born ?
這句才正確, 對不起, 之前的那句錯了。
2010-06-20 1:43 am
Miss,do you have a new born baby?

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