
2010-06-20 12:25 am
the girl with the boobies 系解咩

回答 (5)

2010-06-20 4:03 am
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Boob or booby is a slang that can mean a stupid person or a female breast.

However, the term "The girl with the boobies" is so commonly used to mean "the girl with big breasts" that one would avoid to use it to actually describe "the girl with the stupid persons".

"The girl with the boobies" sometimes has a "put-down" meaning, in a way similar to "dumb blond", and perhaps carries the notion that the size of the girls' breasts is inversely proportional to their intelligence.

Since it is a slang with possibly negative meaning and obviously unfair notion, one should avoid using the term.

2010-06-20 08:24:55 補充:
"retro" as a noun means an event with a theme to imitate the fashion, music, style, design etc. of the past.
When used as an adjective, it can mean:
(1) similar to the above,.
(2) doing it now but considering it in effect from some specific time in the past, e.g. retroactive, retrofit.
參考: myself
2010-06-20 6:01 pm
Booby (relating to girls) usually means big breast. You can simply search the word booby from yahoo photos. Try it and you will know the answer.
2010-06-20 2:37 am
boobies =1. 呆子,傻子,笨蛋/塘鵝,鰹鳥/(在比賽或遊戲中)成績最差的人(或隊)
booby hatch
booby = 傻子 hatch = 一窩 tha means 精神病院
booby prize = 成績最差的人 prize = 獎 that means倒數第一名
booby trap/ booby-trap=偽裝炸彈
retro 追溯的/復舊的/回顧展
retroactive legislation 有追溯效力的立法
in retrospect 回顧
a retrograde step 倒退
a retro-rocket 反向火箭/制動火箭/減速火箭
retro clothing stores 懷舊的時裝店
the girl with the boobies 女孩和笨蛋
or... I don't know whether it is or not... 女孩的胸部
hope that can help you la...
2010-06-20 2:17 am
I should think it is a vulgar slang meaning the girl with big breast or big tits.
參考: common English
2010-06-20 12:30 am
booby = a stupid person (dunce)

the girl with the boobies = 女孩與呆子

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