
2010-06-19 10:48 pm
點解water in 同water out唔可以調轉?why 調轉 condense唔到?

p.s最好中文+英文答! thx

回答 (2)

2010-06-22 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
In distillation, a thermometer is used to measure the boiling point of the liquid component (i.e. the temperature of the vapour). A thermometer is usually fitted because the such a boiling point is usually needed to be known. However, if you don't care about the boiling point, a temperature may not be fitted.

When the steam is cooled down to a temperature below the boiling point of water (100°C), it is condensed to liquid water.

If water goes into the water jacket of the denser at the bottom, water will fill up the water jacket from bottom to top and leave the water jacket at the top. Therefore, the water jacket of the condenser is fully filled with water.
If water goes into the water jacket at the top, due to gravity, water will fall to the bottom and leave the water jacket rapidly. Therefore, the water jacket would not fully filled with water. Consequently, the cooling effect is lowered.
參考: Uncle Michael
2010-06-20 1:48 am


water in是喺condenser ge後面,當steam蒸氣經過這前,其實溫度已經降低左少少,在到water in的位置時,水ge溫度同steam ge 溫度差不多,可以再降低steam ge溫度,就會變成水珠

如果water in同water out調轉,剛變成steam ge 溫度比水高,使水便熱,就起唔到冷卻ge作用
參考: IS

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