
2010-06-19 5:25 am
請問以下句字中的 "played" 為什麼要用過去式"?
而 "it's" 是 "it is" 還是 "it was" 的縮寫?

Now it's time that you played your trump card.


回答 (5)

2010-06-19 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Now it's time that you played your trump card.

It is used for suggestion, and giving advice是用作提議. 及忠告
It’s time/ It’s high time/ It’s about time
= to say that you think somebody should do something soon.表示他人應盡快做好某事= 差不多是時候要做,,,,/ 現在是好時機去做….
e.g. It’s about time you cleaned your room.你該打掃自己的房間了。
因為是一種勸籲式手法, 動語要用 supposition past (假切過去式)


2010-06-18 22:38:53 補充:
It's = it is = present tense; not it was ( not a past tense)
2010-06-21 1:54 am
it's不會是it was
it's只有兩種可能性:1.it is; 2.it has

it's about time ALSO it's high time
SPOKEN used to say strongly that you think something should happen soon or should already have happened
 It's about time our team won.
 It's high time we had a party.
2010-06-19 7:01 pm
clp8888 explanation is correct. When we are talking about a hypothetical situation, the tense used to describe the situation is in simple past. I wish English wasn't so confusing sometimes.

2010-06-19 5:26 pm
Past tense is used when an action was done in the past - yesterday , last week, last month, last year.

it's = it is and it was. We have to read the sentence carefully to find out if it is or it was.

It's raining when we visited our grandmother last week. = it was

It's raining now = it is raining now.

2010-06-19 09:27:58 補充:
Long long time ago = past tense

It's time for you to clean your room = it is

Its's time you cleanEDyour room = it was
2010-06-19 6:20 am
Now it's time that you played your trump card.


如個有One day,last XX(XX=`某時間),A long time ago等字就要用過去式

it's是 "it is" 還是 "it was" 的縮寫

又要睇文章個D One day,last XX(XX=`某時間),A long time ago等字
一定係"it was"

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