
2010-06-18 8:45 am
我同我呀妹 分開兩地 好難得佢返黎

我想送佢一張記念卡 應該寫d咩好

回答 (2)

2010-06-20 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/shop.ilifeshop ,$45/張,包郵費,又唔貴,香港又唔會周圍都有,你可以在上面貼上你地的相片,再加上你的聲音,一定令你的妹妹好難忘.
2010-06-18 9:03 am
Just like my son and daughter, one in UK and one in HK. I suggest that you hand-made a card and attached a photo with 2 of you or with all the family members at one side and regarding the wordings woo - just say you are missing her and draw her a smiling face. Think it has already been very touching to her.

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