[f.3 biology] digestion

2010-06-18 1:29 am
1. Which of the following secretions are alkaline and contain digestive enzymes?
A. bile and saliva
B. saliva and gastric juice
C. bile and pancreatic juice
D. pancreatic juice and intestinal juice

2. What does bile contain? Is there any enzymes/digestive enzymes in bile?

回答 (3)

2010-06-18 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. A, C, D
2. Bile is a mixture of bile salts(hydrocarbon chain+ionic head, i.e. hydrophillic head and hydrocarbon tail), bile pigments, cholesterol and alkaline salts(NaHCO3). Its alkaline nature neutralizes the acidic chyme and provides an environment suitable for the action of digestive enzymes in the duodenum. The bile salts lower the surface tension of lipid molecules and emulsify them into fine droplets. This physical process is known as emulsification, in which bile salts combine with large lipid molecules to form water-soluble micelles. This results in provision of a large surface for lipase to act upon. The large lipid molecule, upon emulsification, turns into water-soluble micelles.

For reference:Bile pigments come from the breakdown of haemoglobin molecules in the liver. They give bile the characteristic yellow-green colour.

2010-06-17 18:46:18 補充:
Haemoglobin = Fe, alpha-chain, beta-chain, bile pigment, prosthetic group-haem

2010-06-19 20:35:20 補充:
參考: Advanced-level Biology for Hong Kong
2010-06-18 6:32 am
bile dose not contain enzymes
gastric juice is acidic
saliva, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice fit the requirements.

2 bile contain bile salt, bile pigment, sodium hydrogencarbonate
there is no enzyme in bile. the substance in bile that helps digestion is bile salt, that can emulsify lipids into droplets to let pancreatic lipase digest lipid more easily.
sodium hydrogencarbonate provide a alkaline medium for pancreatic lipase, and protect duodenum from being harmed by hydrochloric acid from the stomach.
bile pigment is broken down from dead red blood cells. it is a waste
2010-06-18 1:47 am

2, 我只係知道Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Bile helps to emulsify fats ibto smaller oil droplet. It can also neutralize stomach acid.

而enzyme既我記得pancreatic juice會有,,不過bile有冇就唔記得-0-


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