Dentist abused my account?

2010-06-17 2:23 am
It happened like this...
I noticed that my daughter had pretty wacky teeth and decided to get them aligned. I called a dental centre to make sure they have orthodontic treatment there, and when they said they did, I bought my girl there.

After a few X-rays (around 3), the dentist told us that there were four wisdom teeth that needed to be extracted and a cavity that needed attention. And she said that ortho may not be needed. We ended up making an appointment for a cleaning and filling.

Later on, they suddenly called me and cancelled my daughter's appointment, saying that it was because I (mind you, not my daughter) went to see another dentist.

Now I have been billed around $120!!!!!! And has got nothing done! What should I do??????????

Please help~

The dentist said that if I insisted on ortho, she would refer me to someone else...and when my daughter had an examination by a dental professor of UBC, she told us that there was no cavity!

回答 (1)

2010-06-17 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Personally, I would confront both dentists and confirm what has been done. Perhaps there was just a simple misconception regarding the circumstances and the dentist can correct your problem for you. If all else fails, you could go to court or call the police and exclaim that you have been cheated.
參考: future orthodontist

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 13:14:36
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