Do you think women can solely rule in a world without men?

2010-06-16 6:38 pm
My boyfriend and I were having a debate. He believes we won't last since we are emotional beings. I think we can due to our sympathetic and nurturing ways. What do you guys think? Both opinions and facts are welcome.

回答 (4)

2010-06-16 6:52 pm
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Have none of you heard of Golda Mier?

There have been female "rulers" and they have done just as well and just as bad as men. Boudica was the warrior queen of the Celts. Joan of Arc? Any one heard of Maggie Thatcher? And how about Wilma Mankiller, a recent Cherokee Cheif?

Tell boyfriend, he may need to check out his facts. Emotions and Intellect can be balanced by each sex. HA!

Note to Carla Z...your remark just speaks to your social immaturity and is ridiculous. Attitude like that will make sure you miss out on knowing some really great people.
My friends made me a T-shirt that I "had to" wear at any of the Movement's had a puppy dog and a kitty cat with the words, "hopelessly heterosexual" printed on it so they were not asked about my orientation by prospective suitors. I am proud to know the people I do.
參考: Late 1970's Women's Movement Member (a long time ago and we are still out here) Life experience
2010-06-17 1:39 am
without men? no, who would move the furniture around for them
2010-06-17 1:44 am
Well judging from what men have managed to do so far and from the way the world is now, honestly how much worse could women make it if we ruled it
2010-06-17 1:41 am
Well disregarding the obvious flaw that eventually women would die out and the human race would be no more and there would be chaos by that fact alone... Women can rule there own world without men, case and point the amazon women have been able to rule themselves. Human beings have been known to adapt. It's almost absurd to think that a female race wouldn't be able to rule, it just happens men tend to be physically stronger and establish power at an earlier time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 17:34:51
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