[CE biology] 2003年MC第12題(內詳)

2010-06-17 1:30 am
Given a solution containing starch, lipase and glucose, which of the following tests will a negative result with this solution?
A. Benedict's test
B. Biuret test
C. Emulsion test
D. Iodine test


回答 (1)

2010-06-17 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
First,ANS B:
biuret test is a chemical test used for detecting the presence of protein in a substance (The biuret test is a chemical test used for detecting the presence of peptide bonds. In the presence of peptides, a copper(II) ion forms a violet-colored complex in an alkaline solution. Several variants on the test have been developed.The Biuret reaction can be used to assay the concentration of proteins because (for most proteins) peptide bonds occur with approximately the same frequency per gram of material. The intensity of the color, and hence the absorption at 540 nm, is directly proportional to the protein concentration, according to the Beer-Lambert law.)
ANS:C Emulsion test
As the solution contains lipase which is a enzyme for digesting fat ,therefore no fat occurs in the solution so it can not be test by emulsion test

If you have any question,you can ask me for respond.

2010-06-16 22:56:39 補充:
As not fat,the result of Emulsion test is negative.As lipase is a kind of protein,the result of biuret test is postive

2010-06-16 22:57:44 補充:
參考: my chemical knowledge and some in wedki (括號內) for your reference

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