
2010-06-17 12:58 am
想pro D,可5可以解做英文=.='':我現在不在家,請留低口信,我會以最快速度福返你!!!

回答 (11)

2010-06-17 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Telephone message:

"Hello, this is (name). Sorry I'm not at home. Please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I can. Thank you."
2010-06-20 1:16 pm
Sorry, you have reached XXXX's voice message box, I am not available right now. Please leave your message, I will get back to you as soon as possible.
2010-06-18 10:23 am
Hi, you can say .....

I am not available now, please leave the message after the beep tone, I will call back you as soon as possible.
2010-06-17 11:46 am
Sorry to miss your call. I am not available right now, please leave your name and phone number, and I will return your call as soon as possible.
2010-06-17 7:19 am
Sorry I'm not at home at the moment. Please leave your message here and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

我可以說這一句差不多是澳洲的指定句式。事實是抄自我一位澳洲朋友手電的。在澳洲生活的人一向會偏向用get back to you 而不用 call you back。“I will come back to you later"也是常見的。在非英語國家人眼中,可能會覺得"get back, come back" 在此情況下用奇怪。但絕對是日常口語。

另外一提,一般會用 at the moment 而不用"now" , 雖然now 絕對是正確,但at the moment 是在此情況是最合適的。我印像中,香港的手電都是用 "I am not available at the moment"的。此外當然可用 as soon as possible, 不過非英語國家人可能未必知道有時會說成 A S A P, (正接讀出4個字母,A,S,A,P)。

少少提外話,極多人說B,B,Q (讀出三個字母),這和ASAP完全相反,在日常用語就算寫明”BBQ“三個大字,但都必須讀成"barbecue"。
2010-06-17 7:10 am
Hope this helps:

You are calling (5555-5555), I am not available at the moment, please leave your message after the beep, I will get back to you soonest the possible.

注意: 想pro D,
1) 要提自己的電話號碼, 打错的人可收线; 也不用説名字,
2) 通常不會説"不在家", 只説"未能接聽電話" .
2010-06-17 7:03 am
I am not available now, pleaase leave your message, i will call you back asap.
參考: me
2010-06-17 1:29 am
Yui Ming:
I regret I am not in at the moment; please leave your message and I 'll
call you back at my earliest convenience.
參考: nil
2010-06-17 1:29 am
I am not at home now,please leave your message, I will call as fast as possiple.
2010-06-17 1:14 am
I am sorry I am not be at home,

please leave your voice message,

I will call you later!

Thank you!
2010-06-17 1:13 am
I'm not home now. Please your message, i will be going to reply you as fast as i can.

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