
2010-06-16 8:02 am

回答 (10)

2010-06-29 7:22 pm
1. 哪種人的英語講得好?這問題真的見仁見智。我的英國老闆(前)認為印度人英語講得好D,所以結束香港間分公司,轉到印度了(總公司在新加坡)。
2. 香港人的整體英語水平確實下降了,但是否關乎母語教學事就有待探討。
3. 世界上很多國家的 "官方語言"都不只一種,香港的官方語言是中文和英文,我認為中英文兩者必須兼顧.不能偏向任何一邊
2010-06-27 10:04 pm


2010-06-27 9:19 pm
2010-06-25 11:21 pm
Hong Kong people can speak better English than Indians.
2010-06-23 12:24 am
參考: No!!!
2010-06-17 2:45 am
剛 and clp, I agree with what you both said. I too feel sad to see the English standard in HK, in general, dropped so much when compared to the pre-1997 era.

Allow me to comment, firstly, on Malaysia and Singapore: these countries are multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-cultural, i.e. people of different dialects and ethnic backgrounds, hence, English naturally becomes a common language/ tool language to link different groups of people. Even the roadside hawkers need to use English, however broken that is, to sell their wares. Socially, English is everywhere:TV, advertising, government campaigns, road signs etc. English is very much a part of their daily life. No body would reject you if you are a Malaysian Chinese, or Singaporean Chinese who chose to use English for your daily conversation. You can imagine the glares and stares an average HK Cantonese will get if he does that in HK = a predominantly Cantonese place! I had seen ugly HKers in Singapore who could not converse in English with some salespersons and turned abusive in Cantonese: "你要做我的生意怎麼不用我的語言". How arrogant and ignorant!

Malaysians and Singaporeans can easily toggle between their own mother-tongue and English - though it is true that their creole e.g. Singlish may not be fully understood by someone whose ears are tuned only to standard English. They read and write English very fluently, they master a good vocabulary from young and enjoy reading English books. I mean, how many primary school kids in HK have finished reading the full collection of Harry Potter (in English, no less!!)? Their kids do. Enid Blyton's books are their favorites too.

For all we know, India is a country with so very many ethnic groups and hundreds and hundreds of dialects, Indians probably need English as a common means of communication too. Perhaps that's why Indians are very good language learners. The educated Indians do speak and write very good English.

What happens to English in HK, I am speechless.

2010-06-28 09:16:16 補充:

2010-06-28 09:40:43 補充:
HK is stuck in an awkward situation, it is too Cantonese, lacks a mainstream language i.e. Mandarin Chinese, Eng...

English should be looked upon as tool language, not colonial legacy.
2010-06-16 5:27 pm
I couldn’t agree with you more!! You can say that again!!
Actually you speak my mind. It’s an undeniable fact that we fare badly in English communication, as compared with people in other East-Asian countries. Nowadays, Hong Kong is just a little bit better than Japanese in English but we are much poorer than Indians, Singaporeans, Malaysians, and Philippinos . We cheat the world by saying that Hong Kong is an international when most of us do not speak English- the international language!! In the past when Hong Kong was still a British colony, our English was just as good as that of Indians and Singaporeans. When I was in school, we used books published in India and Malaysia. , almost the same level. But now, most of our secondary students can only read Singaporeans’ English books at primary level. Whose fault it is?? It must be the Hong Kong government or the Education Bureau of the HKSAR!!! Hong Kong is now no better than some big cities in China . as Hong Kong is further Chinaized by our stupid government encouraging students to speak Putonghua in schools. In many schools, except the EMI schools, many morning assemblies or school functions are conducted in Putonghua. Students feel more comfortable speaking in Putonghua. After 1997, nobody seems to care about the importance of English in Hong Kong . Hong Kong government only knows how to kiss the ass of the China government. Its Educational policies are all scraps.
Hong Kong people have no choices but to send their children abroad or let them study in EMI or International schools. Even though I don’t have the crystal ball, I can tell you that the majority of our children’s English and Putonghua will never be better than those in the Mainland in the next decade. Hong Kong will just be a small port of China in the near future. Poor Hong Kong Students, they are deprived of the right to English education! We must never lie by saying that Hong Kong is an international city!!
2010-06-16 4:34 pm
以相等學歷相同年齡比較, 平均來說應該是印度人的英語水平較佳, 理由可能很多, 亦無法怎麼證明, 只是一般的觀察而已. 香港人(尤其是年輕人)口語表達能力差, 廣東話母語都說不好, 無法清楚詳細敘事, 詞彙貧乏, 很多時必須由對方用盤問方式交談才知道他們想說甚麼. 母語也說不來, 更遑論外語了! 反觀其他國家和地區的人, 大都能說流利順暢的母語, 這便反映了問題所在. 最可悲是我們拒絕反省, 為了面子抱殘守缺, 不欲自貶身價, 最終便貽害下代.
2010-06-16 4:02 pm
My rating for English proficency in Asia :

1) Singapore
2) Malaysia
3) Hong Kong
4) India ; Philippines
5) Thailand ; Vietnam
6) Indonesia

Just a personal opinion. :)
2010-06-16 10:23 am
發問者: 您的意圖和見解, 實屬貶低港人的英語水平! 星馬台的英語水平比香港好,豈能苟同! 廣東話早已成為香港人的溝通語言, 您不知道嗎? 香港政府曾經推行用母語教學,而非 "母語運動" , 您混淆了.

2010-06-18 20:37:30 補充:
對香港英語水平之見解,有中肯的, 有片面的, 也有偏貶的, 但似乎并非深層次之言. 語言只是作為溝通橋樑, 推行英語教學, 是否利多弊少, 能否改變" 香港這個國際大都會" , 能否促進" 香港旅遊業" , 又能否" 振興香港經濟" . 港英時代, 為何不實施" 普及教育", 而只是推行英語教學?? 也許有人對港英情有獨忠, 太迷戀了!!

2010-06-28 09:44:58 補充:
香港係有言論自由的, 豈能辱罵他人, 您的惡言辱語, 係非君子行為. 難道不懂英語或不會說英語者, 就要被您罵嗎? 您真是不可理喻, 也沒有禮貌!

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