Can someone help me calculate the mean height of women?

2010-06-15 9:32 am
Help! I have come across a statistics question that I can't solve. Can someone good at maths help me? The question is shown below:

Many quantitative traits have approximately Normal distributions. One good example is human height. Men are taller than women (on average). An approximate way to derive heights of male adult population is to add 1 inch for every 12 inches of a woman's height in the population. In a population men have mean height of 70 inches with standard deviation3 inches, and that height is normally distributed.

From the height of male population
1) Please demonstrate that women have mean height of 64.6 inches and standard deviation 2.8 inches.

2) What is the distribution of women's height?

Thanks in advance

回答 (2)

2010-06-15 10:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
average womens height + 1/12 of avg. womens height = mens avg height
avg wom. h. * 13/12 = avg mens h.
avg wom height = avg mens h. * 12/13

avg wom h. = 70 * 12/13
avg wom. h = 64.615... = 64.6

standard avg dev:
3 * 12/13 = 2.769... = 2.8

womens height is probably normally distributed as well
2016-11-29 7:41 pm
"female tastes for supersized nutrients"??? hi!!! adult men are increasing their "girth" besides. i assume you're blaming women for that, too? would not it make greater experience in charge the quick-nutrition industry besides because of the fact the changing instances for weight problems? much less human beings have time to eat nutrients at homestead, and much less time to devise "nutritious" nutrients and cook dinner them...with the financial device being what that's, very almost anybody has to artwork. Being remote from homestead and dealing each and all of the time ends up in much less time being at homestead to fret approximately homestead-cooked nutrients. Even the nutrition you purchase in grocery shops is definitely no longer that nutritious. you may no longer blame women for that. maximum folk could agree that weight problems isn't healthful, that it may and does oftentimes effect in a style of diverse ailments, a number of that are deadly. weight problems, in spite of the undeniable fact that, isn't an completely "lady" undertaking. I additionally think of that having a healthful image is pertaining to what's occurring interior the guy- that being heavy would not could mean you may experience undesirable approximately WHO you're.

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