Wastons 用105度和用100度有什麼分別?

2010-06-16 5:34 am
Wastons claims that they use 105 degree to distill water instead of 100 degree. What s the difference between 105 and 100? I know the boiling point of water can be changed by change the pressure, but if wastons has the skill to use 105 degree, then why they don't use 110, 120 degree instead, isn't it better than 105?


回答 (4)

2010-06-25 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢地有本事就去到 121 °C, 先至係微生物學既殺菌標準.

An autoclave is a device to sterilize equipment and
supplies by subjecting them to high pressure steam at 121 °C or more,
typically for 15 to 20 minutes...

105度可以殺死大部分微生物, 但高溫過後, 胞子仍可能再發芽, 即係未能完全消毒啦. 要高溫到121度, 持續起碼15分鐘, 先可以肯定令所有微生物連同胞子都全部死亡.

所以, 市民大眾可能有個錯覺105度好高溫, 其實同100度冇大分別, 都係未係好, 未夠高, 要有分別起碼要121度.

但係, 諗深一層, 當你打開樽蓋時又唔係處於無菌環境, d細菌, 胞子第一時間由空氣跌落d水度. 跟住唔好忘記, 你口腔牙齒都有細菌, 水未飲到肚都已經污染啦, 到最後, d 水係100度定係105度定係121度煲既, 都冇咩分別架啦.

外地好多國家食水處理得好, 喉管保養得好, 打開水喉出來既水含菌量低, 可以直接飲用, 連煲都唔使煲. 更唔使煲到105度.


係正常大氣壓力下, 水既沸點係攝氏100度.
到達100度前, 火力加左係水既潛熱, 所以水溫上升.
在100度, 火力就加係擺脫液態進入氣態, 所以, 水溫不會上升, 而剛出來既蒸氣係剛好100度.
之後, 蒸氣可以再加熱, 超過100度, 而唔係水溫超過100度.

水唔係唔可以110或120度, 只要加壓來煲就有. 家用壓力煲既原理一樣.
一般家用壓力煲可達107kPa壓力, 水煲滾時大約有120度. 屈記用一個低d既壓力, 水滾溫度咪低d囉.
參考: 維基百科
2010-06-25 1:05 am



同樣你既提問都岩,點解唔係110或者120度呢? 可能係因為太蹺口,令個廣告橋段難俾人記住. 如果用101度人地會覺得佢地畫蛇添足,如果用110度又好似太誇張,所以我覺得佢地折衷用105度做標示.

2010-06-17 8:39 pm
當LIQUID 水 去到100度果陣, 已經冇溫度既DIFFERENCE, 所以佢地唔會變氣體, 就係咁簡單

2010-06-17 12:40:12 補充:
2010-06-16 7:13 pm
If only judged from the physics perspective, there is no difference to distill water at 105'C and 100'C. I think it is more a commercial reason than a scientific reason.

Water boils at higher temperature could, as felt by the public, be more sterilized than water that boils at at lower temperature. This gives more confidence to consumers that the water is 100% purified.

To raise the boiling point of water to 110, 120 degrees or higher needs more energy and hence more cost. This would not be commercially cost effective.

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