投訴 雜誌國際 (亞洲) 有限公司

2010-06-16 3:21 am
Magazines International (Asia) Limited.

未經我同意 Order NO:2071287 Date:2010/6/4 Amount:$4,320 Advisor:Chan Chun Fai(1254) 嚴重!嚴重!嚴重!未經我同意扣除銀行$4320 完全不能接受你們Order,完全未了解下草草揸定注意,本人嚴重!怒氣沖沖.本人要求全數退回$4320,嚴重!不接受其他見意,否則消費者委員會投訴,警務處報案,進一步行動經律師公會,本人末有這麼好耐性,我講效率,好快造出行動.米當少少事.後果自付.


Dear Mr. Chan,

Thank you for subscribing magazines with Magazines International (Asia) Limited.

In regard to your subscription order under our official receipt no. 2071287, after we check the voice record, we found that you agreed to place this order and you had provided your personal information such as credit card no., expire date, these proof that you accepted this order while confirmed with our manager over the phone. Besides, you had understood all the details of this order in the conversation between you and our advisor/manager. Thus, we have no refund will be entertained under any circumstances after business transaction completed.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Customer Services Executive at 3628 6000 or email us [email protected]

Best regards,

Customer Services Team
Magazines International (Asia) Limited


回答 (3)

2010-06-16 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以1)去消費者委員會投訴, 2) 向傳媒社會版投訴, 或者3)報警 - 但是他們點解有你的信用卡資料?
2010-08-08 6:58 pm
點算芽, 我前2日都咁樣比人扼左
2010-06-17 8:34 am




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