conditional offer係咪合乎條件就一定入到先?

2010-06-15 9:21 pm

如果MEET 到,但又唔係100%收番,
咁個conditional offer 有咩用?空歡喜一埸??

而且係咪放榜之前既interview都只係會比conditional GA?

其實邊間學校有分別嗎?都係大學,DEGREE,HD,ASSO 果D 如果我知道佢既條件,而我又MEET到,咁我係咪一定入到呀??

回答 (1)

2010-06-15 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不清楚你報讀的是那一所學校? 一般來說, Conditional Offer 具有法律效力,不能單方面取消, 但你必須詳細了解有關條件 (condition).

Read the following story.

An IVE student was given conditional offer by an overseas university for his application for direct entry to the 2nd year of a Bachelor's Degree course. The condition was a good pass in the IVE Higher Diploma Course (average 65 marks and each module not less than 60). In addition, the candidate must have achieved at least 6.0 points in the IELTS.

That students got pretty good results in the IVE examination, but failed to achieve 6.0 points in the IELTS. Eventually, his application was rejected in spite of the conditional offer. The HKCE English Language result was not recognized for the purpose of admission.

2010-06-16 17:44:54 補充:
回應你的疑問: 太雞的私立學院有時會不顧廉恥不履行承諾, 甚至結業. 一般大學必定守信, 即是你說的一定入到.

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