化學...反應速率+能學概念問題....要解釋 急

2010-06-15 8:59 am
是唔是拆解鍵吸入能量? 例如N-N中的共價鍵
是唔是合成鍵放出能量? 例如N原子與N原子合成N-N


一級反應 A--->生成物 k'為常數
InA=-k't+In[A]^0(0 在下方細小的)

回答 (1)

2010-06-17 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For chemical reaction, let say, O + O => O2 release energy. I will say, it is because the O2 have lower potential energy when comparing with two oxygen atoms. It just like when a object drop from higher place to lower place, it gain kinetic energy. The energy difference between "O+O" and "O2" responsible for the energy release.
The above is what i learned in my chemistry class. The below explanation is my own interpretation. Because the formation of bonds is usually spontaneous, therefore, the product usally is more stable, it make the formation of bond release energy. However, for biological reaction, because there are enzyme exist, the reaction need not to be spontaneous. Even the product is less stable, it can also be formed given that enough activation energy.

For the rate of reaction. You have to know how to do integration. The step is like this

-d[A] / dt = k'[A]
1/[A] d[A] = -k'dt
Becuase the rate constant K' is independent of t. Therefore, we can integrate both side
ln[A] + C = -k't + C'
in here, the C and C' can be combined to form new constant D
ln [A] = -k't + D
The initial condition is when t = 0, [A] = [A]0, apply initial condition
ln[A]0 = D
ln [A] = -k't + [A]0 , which is the rate equation

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