What's your fantasy date?

2010-06-15 5:33 am
I would have to say mine would be: Me and my date go to our annual state fair, just us two. We enjoy each others company by riding the rides and eating the fair food. Then we go and get on the Farris wheel and as it gets to the very top and stops we have this long romantic passionate kiss as we look onto the sparkling stars in the darks skies. Last he takes me home. lol kinda corny right. but whats yours.

回答 (7)

2010-06-15 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
I've a ton of those fantasy dates. Take the time to read it!

My love and I take off our shoes, then our socks, and place our feet onto the warm, dry sand. The fine particles of warmth covers our toes with every step. I pull her into a small hug with no hesitation. Almost immediately, I feel at ease and comforted by her presence. Looking out at the 180 degrees of vast ocean, I see the beautifully coloured clouds, reflecting light from the sun. The sun is still up, but it's nearing sunset. I look at her, her beautiful hair glimmering in the sun. She's so mesmerized by the beauty of the water. Slowly, I slip my hand into hers. She doesn't pull back. "Success," I say to myself, quietly by surely.

She looks at me with her beautiful eyes. They too glimmer in the evening sun. I look back into hers and immediately, I feel like I've been drugged by her beauty. Snapping out of my trance, I lead her into a very relaxed yet slow walk along the beach. Every second that passes, the sun appears to lower a bit. In the background, I hear the soft, calm, and soothing sounds of the oceans. We stop again, and look out at the ocean. The sun is at the horizon, it's reflection bouncing off the surface of the ocean. Paradise.

It happens naturally. Our eyes meet once again but this time, I feel locked into her gaze. I cannot look away. We slowly near each other. I see her eyes close and so I close mine. I can feel her getting closer and closer to me. Then I feel something on my lips. Warmth. Her warmth. My body tingles. I take her by the waist and pull her towards me. Time freezes, yet the sun continues to set. Love.
參考: My Imagination
2016-10-15 6:07 pm
2 years in the past i went around with this gal that replaced into nicely in great condition and on our 6 month anniversary i took her in this inner maximum yacht i rented on a river and it replaced into wonderful........yet yeah that could desire to probable be the final date i might desire to think of of that i might genuinely do lol
2010-06-15 5:39 am
a fat 500 pound sweat guy to waddle his a$$ on my lap and give me a lap dance and i would get slapped with his boobs and try to find the piece of fried chicken under his double chin. end the night of with a nice hot fart to remind me of the warmth in his heart-y meal soup he had earlier.
2010-06-15 5:38 am
i don't have 1 cuz i like to hit it and quit it :)
2010-06-15 5:37 am
Spending the day with him, inside because it's raining outside. Hanging out and laughing and hugging and holding hands and random kisses. We cook dinner and eat it on the porch to watch the storm. He randomly picks me up (sweeps me off my feet) and carries me into the rain where we dance. And kiss. A lot. Lol totally cheesy!!!
2010-06-15 5:35 am
taking a cute girl to a horror film and comforting her with my love
2010-06-15 5:35 am
does not matter where we are does not matter what we do as long as im with my lady

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