2010-06-15 7:58 am
I can play DVD+R on my DVD Player, but I can't play DVD-R on the player.

Should I use DVD+R instead of DVD-R?

Will this work?

回答 (2)

2010-06-15 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有d player support 既dvd 係少d架
而 dvd+r 相對多player support d
其實你睇番個manual就知佢support邊d 碟
通常dvd+r 大部份都冇問題
但dvd-r 唔係部部player都support到
2010-06-19 12:28 pm
My situation is kind-of completely opposite
Almost all +/- D5s are compatible with older standalone players, but this is not the case with D9s

2010-06-19 04:28:57 補充:
On on older player, +D9 won't play at all, player does not recognise disc (even with booktype changed)
But -D9 does play, albeit with some minor problems (eg. some scenes not playing smoothly, perhaps freezing for 1 sec. or 2) which do not happen on newer players and computer-based drives

2010-06-19 04:29:50 補充:
My advice: stick to -Rs for all video-related content and +Rs for computer file storage
If you have to burn video onto +R, change booktype of disc to DVD-ROM if ever possible, for better compatibility with various standalone devices

2010-06-19 04:32:39 補充:
Also, burning the disc at the lowest speed possible may improve the mastering quality and increase compatibility on standalone devices -- same thing as burning Audio CD at lowest speed (1, 2-4x)

2010-06-19 04:35:40 補充:
Sticking to quality branded DVD media at all times may also improve playback compatibility

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