cobalt chloride paper係咩黎.

2010-06-15 12:57 am
cobalt chloride paper咪indicator既一種?

回答 (1)

2010-06-15 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案

Cobalt chloride paper is a indicator of water. If some solution which contain with water is added in a piece of cobalt cholride paper, the colour of cobalt chloride paper will change from blue to pink.

The equation:

CoCl2(Blue in colour) + 6H2O---->CoCl2 (pink in colour) . 6H20

It still have a method to test the presence of water , which is tested by anhydrous copper(II) sulphate powder, the colur will change from white to blue

The equation:

CuSO4(White in colour) + 5H2O ----> CuSO4(Blue in colour) . 5H2O
參考: my knowledge

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