
2010-06-14 10:20 pm
A smooth block of mass 2 kg slides down a wedge. The wedge, of mass 10 kg, is placed on a horizontal table, and its inclined plane makes an angle of 30 degree with the horizontal. If the wedge remains stationary all the time, what is the normal reaction of the table acting on the wedge?



My question:
Why I cannot just simply find the required normal reaction by the mass of the wedge and the block(120N)? But the result is different with the answer(115N
)? Why there is a loss of 5N? Where do this 5N goes?

Assume the gravitational acceleration is 10 m/s^2


The block is sliding down because the surfaces between the wedge and the block is frictionless. Sorry for not stated!

回答 (3)

2010-06-15 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since the system is actually resultantly accelerating downward( The block). Hence, the total downward force should be greater than the total upward force.

2010-06-15 14:21:36 補充:
In your question, the block is sliding down, right!?
And it is assumed to be no friction acting on the wedge by the block.
Rsinx and Rcosx are the component of the normal reaction acting on the wedge by the block.That's nothing wrong.
天同wrongly assume that the block is at rest.

2010-06-15 14:22:32 補充:
His follow calculator is right but just for the case of the block is at rest!
參考: Lucas Chau
2010-06-15 4:48 am
Your solution (the 3 red lines) is wrong.

There is, in fact, no need to resolve the weight of the block mg into two components. But if you do, the two components acting on the block is mg.sin(theta) and mg.cos(theta).

Since the block is at rest, mg.sin(theta) is balanced by friction Ff, which acts upward along the plane.
Thus Ff = mg.sin(theta)
Thus, the frictional force acting on the wedge = mg.sin(theta) which is downward along the plane (Newton's Third Law)'

Since the normal reaction acting on the block is mg.cos(theta), the force acting onto the wedge by the block = mg.cos(theta), which is perpendicular to the plane surface.

The resultant of these two forces
= square-root[(mg.sin(theta))^2 + mg.cos(theta))^2]
= mg.square-root[(sin(theta))^2 + (cos(theta))^2] = mg

Therefore, N = Mg + mg

In your solution:

N=Mg+Rcos(theta) <--- this is wrong, you need to include the force component given by friction.
The correct equation is,
N = Mg + R.cos(theta) + (mg.sin(theta)).sin(theta)
N = Mg + mg(cos(theta))^2 + mg.(sin(theta))^2
N = Mg + mg[(cos(theta)^2 + (sin(theta))^2]
N = Mg + mg

In fact, the answer of 115N is because of the use of a more exact value of g.
2010-06-14 10:39 pm
You use the gravitational acceleration,g is 10 m/s^2 but actually the gravitational acceleration is 9.81 m/s^2.

If you use g = 9.81 m/s^2,

N = 10 x 9.81 + 2 x 9.81 cos 30 = 115.09N

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