Dupont Circle @ DC, Is it safe?

2010-06-14 12:19 am
Hi, I'm going to DC for a few days in two weeks, and I'm searching for a hotel. How safe is the Dupont Circle area? Is it a residential or commercial area? Thanks

回答 (4)

2010-06-14 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dupont Circle you say? See video link below of what to expect.
2010-06-14 12:51 am
It's a combination of residential and commercial. There are many dozens of stores, particularly along Connecticut Avenue. The area is very high-traffic during the day and early evening, but I'd be cautious late at night. Overall though, I'd say it's safe and you should not hesitate to stay there.

The area is a favorite of the young crowd, and also is a favorite of the gay and lesbian crowd.

It has the advantage of a Metro subway station, plus dozens of restaurants.
2010-06-14 12:24 pm
Very safe, my brother lived there for years before moving to the Georgetown area (closer for work). Its a great part of town. Mix of residential, commercial and even a few embassies are up there. The Woodrow Wilson house is really close too.

Like any large metropolis though, just be smart; don't go wandering around at 4 in the morning down a dark street.
2016-10-25 5:21 pm
I stay in DC, the completed city is an finished grab bag, you have to be strolling by potential of the most scenic community on one block and a scary hell on the subsequent. Dupont Circle is for the most section danger-free, i stay there. i'd not advise truly strolling by potential of the circle's park at nighttime as a large form of homeless people sleep there. As an extremely usual and over simplified rule North East and South East should be prevented until eventually you comprehend the position you're going and are not on my own.

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