Wedding Rings - plastic?

2010-06-13 11:44 pm
So is it permissible to buy a wedding ring from one of those machines which pump out plastic containers with jewelery inside them for like 50 cents. One actually looks kinda charming.

It's nice everybody assumes I'm heterosexual and that I'm buying a wedding ring for a fussy lady.

回答 (15)

2010-06-13 11:47 pm
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Sure, why not??? All the ring is, is a symbol...doesn't matter what it's made of...some couples don't even bother to get rings at all (and are just as married as ones with ridiculously expensive ones)...
2010-06-14 2:21 pm
At some point it will break and need to be replaced. Take some extra quarters and get a few.
2010-06-14 7:51 am
It IS permissible! YOU know what works and is meaningful for your relationship! Sadly, a lot of people do believe the whole contrived "three-months salary" myth (truly created by DeBeers... so chew on that, materialists! Hehahe). The gesture... the thought and foresight put into a ring... those are the things that matter. It is a symbol of your love and vows. No, plastic does not indicated that your love is cheap and flimsy. Not any more than a $20,000 diamond indicated that you care more to show off to the world and buy love than to care for to third-world miners that live in horrible conditions and work dangerous slavery life just to feed their families so you can have that ring. I sincerely do not believe people who love diamond rings are making the second statement, so why would plastic imply the former?

You love someone. And they love you. Congratulations, and cheers, and mozel, and be the Rockstar of your relationship that you are! :) The commenter above who said you are just as married regardless of what kind of ring (or ring at all) is right on with it. Do what's right for you both.
2010-06-14 7:00 am
You have permission to have whatever wedding ring you and your SO want. A twist tie could be an wedding ring if you wanted it to be.
2010-06-14 7:24 am
My top two favorite movie proposals are

1: River Phoenix & Samantha Mathis from Thing Called Love. You see Samantha's character grocery shopping and River's there at some quarter machines with handfuls of change spread out over them and unopened caps full of rejected rings. he finally gets a ring he thinks is perfect and drops to his knees.

2. Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey when Bill & Ted propose to the medieval princess babes with those plastic heart shaped rings.

They were both so simple and so sweet. Nothing else mattered not even the cheap rings.

Not many people will find it suitable though. You gotta spend some dough because otherwise "your love is fake". LOL
2010-06-14 7:40 am
Fine as long as you both understand it's not a long-term piece and will require replacement.
2010-06-14 7:08 am
Sweet idea, but do you want the ring to last the life of your marriage? You can get a ring made of more durable material and still present it to your love in the plastic gum ball machine thingy. Have fun. Good luck on many happy years.
2010-06-14 6:48 am
Don't you dare. You wanna spend 50p on a woman you wanna spend the rest of your life with? I hope she rejects you if you do that.

I'm assuming you're a man. Also a wedding ring should be gold, as silver tarnishes and that coul symbolise tarnishing love - not good. So stop being a cheapscape and splash out on the poor woman.

edit. if you're a homosexual man, i'm gonna assume your partner is rather feminine, and being a woman, i doubt he'd also appreciate that.
2010-06-14 7:36 am
Whether you are getting engaged to a lady or a man, it would look a little cheap. I'm not saying you spend 3 months of your salary, this is just as silly. But there are middle grounds between those two extremes. If you are broke, just get a plain gold ring without stone, or one with a cubic zirconium they look just like diamonds. But please no 50 cents rings from a plastic egg, those are for children!
2010-06-14 6:55 am
i work at a jewelery store and what i have seen that when a guy came to our store to get her lovely girlfriend an engagement ring; his action (getting her a ring) and his choice of a ring really reflect what is in his heart. it is really up to you to get your girlfriend a ring from the machine. if she desires a huge huge rock from you, you should get rid of her :)

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