Oral題目!!! 20點 急

2010-06-14 3:07 am
Oral 題目,幫手作,要講 1.5minutes!

1. Do you think small class size provides better education for student ?? Why or why not??

2.Fresh food is healthier than canned food. Do you agree ?? Why??


回答 (1)

2010-06-21 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes, I agree that small class size provides better education for students. This is because if the class size is smaller, the teacher can concentrate better on student who needs more help. Plus, if the students didn't understand a certain topic, the teacher could explain further more as the average grade of students would be more balance since there are less students in one class. So I think small class size provides better education for students and the government should consider this idea. Thank you.

2. Yes, I agree that fresh food is healthier than canned food. Because fresh food has better nutrient than canned food. Plus, the manufacturer will usually add many chemicals to make the canned food looks better and tastier, so that more people will buy the product. Taking in too much of these chemicals in not good for our health, and fresh food doesn't contain so much chemicals like these. Therefore, fresh food is healthier than canned food. We should eat more fresh food and less canned food.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:41:22
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