以下各句的意思 英文應該怎講??

2010-06-14 2:46 am
1)舉辦這活動在考試之前 是因為可以令學生放鬆

2)所有學生都應該參與這個活動 因為 對學生有幫助 /令到學生開心

回答 (5)

2010-06-14 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)舉辦這活動在考試之前 是因為可以令學生放鬆

This event/activity is scheduled before the exam because it helps our/the students to relax.

2)所有學生都應該參與這個活動 因為 對學生有幫助 /令到學生開心

All students are recommended to participate in this event/activity as it enhances our/the students' sense of wellbeing.

2010-06-13 23:05:04 補充:
都應該 = "recommended" (建議) 比 "should" 好﹐ 因為 "recommended" 沒有 "should" 那麼命令式.
參考: I live in the US
2010-06-14 4:16 am
1)The activity is to be held before the examination so that students are more relaxed.
2) All students should take part in the activity as it is helpful to them/ it will cheer them up.
2010-06-14 3:09 am
1)This activity is held before the examination so that all students can relax
2) All students should participate in this activity because it will help make
them happy.
參考: nil
2010-06-14 2:59 am
1) In order to make the students relax, this activity will be organized before the

2)All students should participate in this activity, it is because this activity is food for
students.Moreover, it can make students be more happy too.

2010-06-13 19:00:14 補充:
2) this activity is food for students


XXXXXXXXX GOOD for students
2010-06-14 2:56 am
1)The purpose we hold this activity before the exam start is that the student can reduce their stress which come from the exam .
2)All student should participate in this activity,as this activity can reduce the stress and make them feel relax.
參考: 我都唔知岩唔岩^^

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