U of Sunderland定U of Dublin好d?

2010-06-14 1:37 am
University of Sunderland UK & National U of Ireland Dublin 邊間好D ?


1. University of Sunderland UK : BA(Hons) Business Management

2. National University of Ireland, Dublin : Bachelor of Business Studies (Hons)

回答 (2)

2010-06-14 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
為何要讚海外degree呢? 本地大學都有part time top up degree 讀, 都只是讀2 年左右, 話曬本地degree, 政府認可

你讀開hkbu sce都知他們有top up degree 讀, 是hkbu簽發的正式本地學位

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal and Cultural Studies

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Accountancy

Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology

Bachelor of Social Sciences in Integrated Communication Management

Bachelor of Social Sciences in Sport and Recreation Leadership
2010-06-15 1:38 am
Of course U of Dublin la
wording ranking top 100
business school top 50 world wide.
operate in HK more than 15 years
Even longer than HKU Space - City U Scope
參考: I am U of Dublin graduate

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