F.3 Physics(conduction of heat

2010-06-13 11:24 pm
A pair of metallic chopsticks feels colder than a pair of wooden chopsticks, even they are at the same temperature. Why?

回答 (3)

2010-06-16 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because metal has a low specific heat capacity which means it is easy to be heated up and easy to have energy loss.However, wood has a higher specific heat capacity compare with metal.
Thus a pair of metallic chopsticks feels colder than a pair of wooden chopsticks, even they are at the same temperature
2010-06-15 3:08 am
As metal is a good conductor of heat while wood is a poor conductor of heat, heat loss will be greater in the metallic chopsticks
2010-06-14 1:06 am
the metallic chopsticks conducts the energy away from your hand more easily and thus you feel colder than a wooden one.
參考: my self

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