Help with maths please...?

2010-06-12 11:09 am
What is (5-2√7)(√7+2)?

回答 (8)

2010-06-12 11:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
(5-2√7)(√7+2) =

5√7+ 10 - 14 - 4√7=

√7 - 4
2010-06-12 7:27 pm
(5 - 2√7)(√7 + 2)
= 5(√7) + 5(2) - 2√7(√7) - 2√7(2)
= 5√7 + 10 - 2(7) - 4√7
= 10 - 14 + 5√7 - 4√7
= -4 + √7
2010-06-12 6:58 pm
multiply the terms..
we get, sqrt(7)-4
2010-06-12 6:35 pm
First, times the first number in the first set of brackets by both numbers in the second set of brackets.

5 * √7 = 5√7
5 * 2 = 10

Next, times the second number in the first set of brackets by both numbers in the second set of brackets.

-2√7 * √7 = -2 * √7 * √7 = -2 * 7 = -14
-2√7 * 2 = -4√7

So your answer is:

5√7 + 10 - 14 - 4√7

This can be simplified:

√7 - 4

You would normally leave this as it is, in its "surd form", but it can be further evaluated to get -1.354 to three decimal places.
2010-06-12 6:33 pm
=5\/''7'''' +10 -14 -4\/''''7'''''=\/'''7''''' -4
God bless you.
2010-06-12 6:30 pm
=> 5(root7+2)-2root7(root7+2)
=> 5root7+10-14-4root7
=> root7-4
2010-06-12 6:16 pm
5√7 + 10 - 14 - 4√7 = √7 - 4
2010-06-12 6:16 pm
=5√7 + 10 - 2x√7x√7 - 4√7
=√7(5-4) + 10 - 2x7
=√7 + 10 - 14
=2.646 + 10 - 14
= -1.354

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