
2010-06-13 3:02 am
I sat down by the lake armed with a pair of binoculars

最不清楚是armed with a pair of binoculars在句中的角色,是補語還是甚麼…?


She was in the studio recording her new song.

recording her new song的角色= armed with a pair of binoculars在句中的角色?


謝謝老師的解答,那麼我想再問... 為何要把句中的分詞子句放到句末呢? 放在句子頭及末有分別嗎?

回答 (3)

2010-06-13 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fang Ching:
1) I sat down by the lake armed with a pair of binoculars.
=I sat down by the lake+ I armed with a pair of bonoculars.
兩句簡單句子加起來時把連接詞'and'在文法做句慣常技巧 understood 或稱
a)I(subject) sat(verb)down(adverb for down) by(preposition) the lake(object).
留意by可作adverb或preposition and when it governs a noun, as it does in this context, the 'lake', it is used as a preposition.
b)I(subject) armed(verb) with(preposition) a pair of binoculars(object).

2)She was in the studio recording her new song.=She was recording her
new song (in the studio).----' in the studio' is simply an adverb phrase
to add some meaning to the the verb ' was recording '. That's all.
什麼是adverb phrase呢?就如The sun rises (in the east). 就好像你現句
She was recording her new song(in the studio).只是你這句是用了past continuous tense 吧了。
參考: my English knowledge
2010-06-13 4:51 am
First of all, there are actually two simple sentences. Two actions happened one after another, or almost at the same time.一個人做兩個動作。
e.g. I sat dwon by the lake, armed with a pair of binoculars.
1. I sat down by the lake.
2. I am armed with配備有 a pair of binoculars.

As the the subjects of the two sentences are the same, it is good english to combine the two sentences into one.相同主語, 删去一個, 保留主句的主語。
Usually you can use either a present participle or a past participle to join the two sentences, depending on what your focus is. The main course is the focus point.可用現在分詞片語或過去分詞片語連合兩句,變成一複合句=一個主句+分詞片語。
e.g. Sitting down by the lake, I am armed with a pair of binoculars.
( Sat becomes ------> Sitting (present participle= verb+ing)現在分詞,主動
I sat down by the lake, armed with a pair of binoculars.
( I am armed becomes -------> armed ( past participle= verb pp)過去分詞,被動/感受形容詞

e.g. She was in the video recording her new song.
1. She was in the video.
2. She was recording her new song.
in sentence 2 there was a past continuous tense, so when you combine the two sentences, you can use a present participle (verb+ing) recording.....
主要删去she was, 保留分詞片語 recording her new song.
= She was in the video recording her new song.

2010-06-12 20:58:43 補充:
You can either put paticiple phrase at the beginning of the sentence or after the main clause. They are both grammatically correct.
e..g Armed with a pair of binoculars, I sat by the lake.
I sat by the lake armed with a pair of binoculars.
2010-06-13 4:03 am
......armed with a pair of binoculars 及 recording her new song 都是句中的 participle phrase (分詞片語) 角色. 其實呢類句子原句為:

Armed with a pair of binoculars, I sat down by the lake.

Recording her new song, she was in the studio.

這類句子, 可叫 "一人分演兩角" -- 即係一個 subject, 做兩個動作. 主角就在 comma 之後. 句一的主角為 "I", 句二為 "she".

他們做的第一個動作, 可以主動或被動之分. 主動動作 (active voice) 會以 'ing' 開頭:
Recording her new song, she..... (因她是主動地錄歌)

被動動作 (passive) 會以 PP form 開頭:
Armed with...., I sat.... (arm 作被動時, 解配備)
e.g. The robbers were armed with machine guns.

主角做第二個動作, 就是 comma 以後的動作:
Armed............., I sat......
Recording........, she was

如果將Armed with.... / Recording her...放到句子之後, 就是你問的原句了:
I sat down by the lake armed with a pair of binoculars.
(=Armed with a pair of binoculars, I sat down by the lake.)

She was in the studio recording her new song.
(=Recording her new song, she was in the studio.)
參考: 我係英文老師

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