Chem...Mole calculations

2010-06-13 1:16 am
1) 0.936G of a natural limestone was heated strongly to give quick lime(CaO) and CO2.The volume of CO2 collected ar r.t.p. was 200cm3. Find

A) the mass of quick lime formed (0.4675g)
B) The percentage of CaCO3 in the limestone (89.1%)

2) Under strong heating, baking power( NaHCO3) produces NaCO3, CO2 and steam. Find the volume(at r.t.p.) of CO2 formed when 1.4g NaHCO3 is heated.


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2010-06-13 10:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 0.936 g of a natural limestone was heated strongly to give quick lime (CaO) and CO2. The volume of CO2 collected at r.t.p. was 200 cm³. Find
A) the mass of quick lime formed.
B) The percentage of CaCO3 in the limestone (89.1%)

CaCO3 →CaO + CO2

Mole ratio CaO : CO2 = 1 : 1
No. of moles of CO2 formed = 200/24000 = 0.008333 mol
No. of moles of CaO formed = 0.008333 mol
Molar mass of CaO = 40.1 + 16 = 56.1 g/mol
Mass of CaO formed = 0.008333 x 56.1 = 0.4675 g

Mole ratio CaCO3 : CO2 = 1 : 1
No. of moles of CO2 formed = 0.008333 mol
No. of moles of CaCO3 formed = 0.008333 mol
Molar mass of CaCO3 = 40.1 + 12 + 16x3 = 100.1 g/mol
Mass of CaCO3 in the sample = 0.008333 x 100.1 = 0.8341 g
% of CaCO3 in the sample = (0.8341/0.936) x 100% = 89.1%

2) Under strong heating, baking power (NaHCO3) produces Na2CO3, CO2 and steam. Find the volume (at r.t.p.) of CO2 formed when 1.4 g NaHCO3 is heated.

2NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2
Mole ratio NaHCO3 : CO2 = 2 : 1

Molar mass of NaHCO3 = 23 + 1 + 12 + 16x3 = 84 g/mol
No. of moles of NaHCO3 used = 1.4/84 = 1/60 mol
No. of moles of CO2 formed = (1/60) x (1/2) = 1/120 mol
Volume of CO2 formed = (1/120) x 24000 = 200 cm³
參考: fooks

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