升讀top up degree 的問題?

2010-06-13 1:14 am
其實poly u speed同city scope 都收左讀 degree.
poly u speed 既就係本地頒發的 大學學位,

學位係marketing and public relationship.

city scope就係海外的(Oxford Brooks Unversity),

學位係International business management.

我好問下,speed 係過左政府的資歷架構,但係 cope就有hons?



回答 (3)

2010-06-16 1:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm not sure what you meant -

"speed 係過左政府的資歷架構,但係 cope就有hons?"

but if you are doing a degree, an Hons degree is important. If you look around the advertisement, most will say " a good honours degree".
2010-06-13 5:37 am
最重要是政府認可, 政府認可之學歷私人公司一定認
所以choice polyu speed 好的

2010-06-12 21:38:46 補充:
有沒有hon 真是不重要
參考: myself
2010-06-13 1:52 am

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