
2010-06-13 12:39 am
我啱啱join咗間新公司,公司會有個歡迎新同事加入嘅「迎新會」。請問所謂「迎新會」嘅英文係叫oriental seminar,定係叫oriental meeting,還是叫oriental training﹖究係係叫oriental乜呢﹖ Oriental又係唔係咁串﹖據我所知,本身oriental呢個字係指東方嘅嘅意思,好似都好唔「啦間」﹗會唔會有另外一個咁上下發音嘅字先係正確呢﹖

回答 (3)

2010-06-13 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案



I needed some orientation at this stage.

我在這個階段需要 熟悉情況。


2010-06-16 12:15:03 補充:
「迎新會」。New Employee Orientation Meeting(NEO Meeting)

2010-06-16 12:15:25 補充:
2010-06-13 1:07 am
i think you mean 'orientate/orient' (in british english we usually say orientate instead of orient) . the word orientate has other meanings:

1. to aim something at someone or something, or make something suitable for a particular group of people (e.g. It is essential that the public sector orientates itself more towards the consumer.)

2. to discover your position in relation to what is around you (e.g. If you get lost while you are out walking, try to use the sun to orientate yourself.)

as for what follows the word orientating, it depends on the nature of activity you are holding. if there will be a talk or some discussion, use orientating seminar; if it is a training, use orientating training, etc.
2010-06-13 1:05 am
= information that you are given before starting a new job or course etc.

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