小狗有腎石,邊間診所好? 急急急

2010-06-12 10:22 pm
現因尿素太高74不能做手術(正常值2-9), 無乜錢, 小狗11歲, 有無邊間收費合理?

之前睇過 旺角麥花臣 , 但醫生都無提供確實可行辦法幫小狗降尿素, 只話等佢尿素降左才可做手術, 留左3日院, 另一晚主診醫生話小狗無得醫. 咁點先可以降到尿素??? 出院總計用咗$5000 一D都無醫到小狗

勝利道思恩? 有無人試過佢既中醫? 收費?
荃灣享和? 姑娘話驗血全套$1000起, 依間收費喺咪好貴?
非牟利? 醫生好唔好? 會否做手術? 還是都是轉介俾其它診所?
愛護動物協會 喺咪都好貴? ok嗎?

回答 (4)

2010-06-13 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
2010-06-13 9:43 pm
Damage to the kidney is irreversible. Once it is damaged, it can't be repaired.
If it is a human, he may go to "wash kidney" but then he is not, and u do not have sufficient money.
It is sad, actually there is nothing that you can do to effectively lower his urea level....
You'd better make up your mind... if you cannot afford to pay or the vets say 無得醫, then you'd better put him to sleep.
That disease is very painful and it will cause many other problems e.g. anaemia, ulceration/inflammation of the mouth... and urea is gonna damage the brain cells and your dog may just become very dull...
2010-06-13 4:09 am
非牟利 的醫生非常好 very good
非牟利獸醫診所 http://www.npv.org.hk/content.asp
地址:九龍太子基隆街24號 .電話:23932395 (常滿,預約要排期幾日後才有得睇)


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