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財務通融 英文叫作Financing 或 financial accommodation
是一些有抵押或有條件的借貸, 抵押不易流或暫時不想賣出的物品/證
券, 借出現金..
2010-06-13 22:47:43 補充:
means a financial benefit or assistance to obtain a financial benefit arising from or as a result of-
•a loan; •issuing, endorsing or otherwise dealing in promissory notes;
•drawing, accepting, endorsing or otherwise dealing in bills of exchange;
2010-06-13 22:48:03 補充:
•issuing, purchasing or otherwise dealing in securities;
•granting or taking a lease of any real or personal property for financing but not for operating purposes; or,
•any other arrangement that the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Treasurer approves