a/an/the 唔識用

2010-06-12 6:58 pm
我想問a/an/the 係點樣用嫁

回答 (5)

2010-06-13 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
a/an: 可數名詞 (countable nouns) 用:

1) 第一次提及:
I saw a boy this morning.

2) 冇指明邊一個:
I need a pen.

a/e/i/o/u/ 前用 AN (e.g. an apple) 但有例外:
a university, a uniform, a unit
an hour

the: 可數/不可數名詞都可用.
1) 第二次提及後用:
I saw a boy this morning. In the morning, I saw the boy again.

2) 講者已知邊一個:
I am going to the bank.

3) 世上只有一個:
The sun rises in the east.
I like the moon.
Beijing is the capital of China.

不加a/an/the (加 'x') 情況 (zero article):
1) 名字:
Mary is my best friend.

2) school/hospital/university/college/church
The man was sent to hospital.

3) bed/work/home
I am going to bed now.

4) 不可數名詞/眾數名詞 (整體性,冇指明)
I love money. (money 不可數, 又無須指明咩錢)
I love dogs (dog 可數, 但無須指明邊一類 = 咩狗都鍾意)
參考: 我係英文老師
2010-06-12 10:13 pm
a 用在單數前面: a cup
an 用在a,e,i,o,u的單數前面: an apple
the 指明是這個東西: the book
2010-06-12 8:54 pm
-a boy
-a girl
-a CD
-a book
-a university
-a shop
-a kg
-a KCR train

-an apple-
-an honest boy
-an NDS
-an one-day trip

-the worst
-the best
-the space
-the sky
-the morning/afternoon/night
-the first
-the piano
-the beach
2010-06-12 7:22 pm
a是---單數,例如a table ,a football
an是有a,e,i,o,u,例如:A apple ,a elephant
the是作文的時候前面提了a的時侯用,例如前面寫a apple 後面就用 the apple
參考: 老師
2010-06-12 7:05 pm
a------一個什麼既意思eg (a boy, a girl, a computer)
an----響音,,字頭有a,e,i,o,u用的eg (an apple, an elephant)

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