
2010-06-12 8:40 am
A-Termination of employment within three month probation can be effected by either party by giving 7 days notice advance or 7 days salary in lieu of notice.

B- termination of employment after probation can be effected by either party by giving two months notice in advance or two months salary in lieu of notice.

C the employee hereby agrees with the employer that she shall not during her employment hereunder, and without a period of one year upon her ceasing to be an employee of the employer directly or indirectly, except with the employer's prior written consent, do any of the followings:-

(1) directly or indirectly carry on or engage (whether alone or in partnership or joint venture with anyone else) or otherwisebe concerned with or interested in (whether as employee, independent contractor, trystee, principal, agent, shareholder, unit holder or in any other capacity) any business similar to or competing directly or indirectly with the business carried on by the employer or any of its associated companies as currently conducted or proposed to be conducted in hong kong.
2) in relation to any trade, business or company use any name in such a way as to be capable of or likely to be confused with the name of the employer or any of its associated companies;

3) solicit or entice away or persuade or attempt to solicit, entice away or persuade any person or corporation which is, at the relevant time, a customer or client of the employer or its assoicated companies or prospective customer or client of or in resect of the business of the employer or its associated companies, to cease doing business with the employer or its associated companies or reduce the amount of business which the customer or client would normally do in respect of the business of he employer or its associated companies.

回答 (1)

2010-06-14 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
條款A: 僱傭雙方在頭三個月內要7日通知或賠錢走人。
條款B: 僱傭雙方在三個月後要兩個月通知或賠錢走人。
條款C: 係我地講限制從事業務競爭條款(Restraint of Trade),主要限制僱員於離職後從事相同、類似業務及向前僱主客戶招手競爭。

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