Hey Brits, what are your feelings this evening before the England v. USA showdown?

2010-06-12 4:11 am

How confident are the English the night before?


The English are very stron, but can they win on June 12?

回答 (5)

2010-06-12 4:28 am
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the brits don't care, the brits are not playing the english are playing, in sport we brits are all rivals and support our own country's, but when it comes to a row we are all blood brothers, but as for saturdays game with the USA that's a english affair
2010-06-12 11:13 am
My feeling is that I cannot wait to see USA get taught how to play football and not 'soccer'. England will destroy the USA.
2010-06-12 1:18 pm
I cannot wait to see my favourite England player Aaron Lennon 'have some fun'
2010-06-12 12:04 pm
It's 5 am in England

We are quietly confident
2010-06-12 9:50 pm
I wouldn't say 'Brits'... coz the Irish and the Scots for definite will probably be backing the USA! Sad but true! :(

I'm feeling nervous, watching England play is highly stressful!! But I'm looking forward to it as well. I'm not taking it for granted, but to be honest I hope the USA still know as little about football (I mean you guys call it soccer for God's sake! lol) as I suspect you do. Hoping for England to win by miles!!
參考: Oh right, just seen the post above... that pretty much proves my point!!!! Scottish git!

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