Help with phylogenetic tree of human evolution questions!!!!!?

2010-06-11 1:45 am
Hey! I got a biology exam next week so I have been going through past exam papers.
and I really stuck on this question about phylogenetic tree of human evolution.
Can someone please help me? ><
Thanks alot!!!!

The Phylogenetic tree diagram:

The Phylogenetic tree diagram above represents one of the current hypotheses about the pattern and timing of human evolution and related outgroups.
Referring to this tree, indicate the most likely time point(node) or interval (branch) for the origin of the following characters in the evolution of the hominins using the labeled nodes as reference points( for example, at node A or between nodes B & C).

a) bipedalism
b) radiation of hominin species in Africa
c) symbolic representations
d) extinction of Homo erectus
e) What species is represented by node I?
f) tool use
g) language
f) What is the approximate date of node G?

回答 (3)

2010-06-11 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
This question would be better asked to an anthropologist but I can answer a few from what I remember from an intro anthro class I took a long time ago.

a-A...bipedalism is the distinct feature that separates hominoids from chimpanzees
e-could be homo erectus or homo sapiens...we are homo sapiens sapiens, so that should be the end of the tree but most people still just say homo sapiens
2016-11-04 1:01 pm
Human Evolution Tree Diagram
2016-04-15 1:51 pm
Actual fossils in the form of stromatolites have been dated as far back as 3.3 billion years, and indirect (chemical) evidence points to the origin of life as early as 3.8 billion years ago. The exact relationships of the eukaryotes, the bacteria, and the archaeans are still being debated, and the situation has become even more complex in recent years with the discovery of horizontal gene transfer. You seem to be asking what animals existed before the primates. Since the earliest primates are known from about 45 million years ago, what you're really asking is the diversity of life from Archaean times through the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic, and the early part of the Cenozoic. That's kind of a big question, not the sort that can be answered in a format like this.

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